Sunday, March 29, 2009

Saturday, July 14, 1923

Pete and Ellis stopped
in. Pete taught me

some new chords on

the Ukelele.

Had an invitation to

go on the week end party.

Fritz called went down
to the Carnival. Party
stopped in later had fudge.

Friday, July 13, 1923

6 young men stopped in.
Pete, Sam & Ellis first

& then the navy boys.

Burnice called in the


In the evening a crowd of
us went to a dance.
Mack from Pittsburg (sic)

went with me.

Thursday, July 12, 1923

Had a party. College boys
here. Had lots of fun
playing all (illegible) instruments.
Was up to Helens in
the Afternoon.

Wednesday, July 11, 1923

Went to the Water Gap to
dance. Met Pete Callksy and
Ellis Atkinson.

Sunday, July 8, 1923

In the morning I went
down to Burdion St. to
see an injured circus horse.
Saw three lions in their
cage wagons.

Saturday, July 7, 1923

Came home from camp.
Ran over a great big snake

motoring home. Arrived home

at noon. Peg and Doug
to Easton in the
afternoon and were married.
Saw Harold Van Nette.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Friday, July 6, 1923

Peg and I were alone at the
cabin all day. Went for
two pails of water at the
spring 3/4 a mile away.
We practiced shooting a
blanket before going. I hit
the mark once out of the
two shots. I started the
fire with one match when
we returned to cook dinner.

Thursday, July 5, 1923

Got up at 5 o'clock in the
morning. Peg, Helen and I stay-
ed at the cabin. Peg & I went
for water. Took our axes
along. Only saw one big

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Wednesday, July 4, 1923

Learned to play the ukelele. Chipmonks enjoyed the music.

Made fudge. M. proposed to me.

Tuesday, July 3, 1923

Had load of fun down at the spring when "Lily of the Valley," "The Water Maid," and "Violet of the Glen" went for water.

Monday, July 2, 1923

I fixed the cabin up.

Sunday, July 1, 1923

Explored for a spring.

Saturday, June 30, 1923

Earland came home.

I went on a camping trip out beyond Porter's Lake about 35 miles out of town. Reached the cabin just at dusk.

Thursday, June 28, 1923

Mother and I went over town. Saw Iden Thompson. He gave me his card with his sister's address on it.

Monday, June 25, 1923

Earland went back to New York on the early morning train.

Sunday, June 24, 1923

Went to Sunday school. Yvette Schock was here with Junior and Louise from Phila. Went to church in the evening.

June 23, 1923

Went up town with Earland. Met some Normal School girls and went in for a treat.

Friday, June 22, 1923

Earland came home from New York City for the week end.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Tuesday, June 19, 1923

Mother and I went over town.

Hud wanted me to go swimming.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Sunday, June 17, 1923

Harold of E.S. called

treated me to ice cream

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Saturday, June 16, 1923

Earland left for New York to take a fine new position.

Wednesday, June 6, 1923

Had a picnic party down at our Blackwood Park.

Tuesday, June 5, 1923

Normal school was out.

Saturday, June 2, 1923

Today, our orchestra played for the Alumni Banquet, which started at one o'clock and lasted until half-past four.

In the morning, at 11 o'clock, I saw the circus by the Health Ed students.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Friday, June 1, 1923

Took our last exam in Theroie (sic) (Theory?)

Thursday, May 31, 1923

Letter from Lewis and a special delivery letter from Harold.

Mrs. Warne's birthday.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Wednesday, May 30, 1923

Hunter H. returned from Philadelphia.

Interesting dialogue across the street between a little blond and her valet.

Tuesday, May 29, 1923

Went to our Junior Banquet. Our orchestra played. A dance afterward. Met Miss Ruth Floney of Bangor. Harold called up while I was at the dance.

Thursday, May 24, 1923

Health Eds won the field meet at normal school.

Wednesday, May 23, 1923

Ann Thompson and I went to the Stroud Theater to see Robin Hood. It was the most wonderful picture I have ever seen. Saw Miss Hampson, my H.S. French teacher.

Friday, May 18, 1923

Went to the Junior Prom with S. Iden Thompson. Had the most wonderful time. Danced every dance. Emma invited Earland.

Wednesday, April 18, 1923

Went to see Harold Lloyd in Dr. Jack.

Tuesday, April 17, 1923

Our Normal orchestra played at The New York Store's 48th birthday party.

Monday, April 16, 1923

Went to a play at Normal School.

Monday, April 9, 1923

Mrs. Glenn took our orchestra for a theater party at the Stroud to see "When Knighthood was in flower." Afterwards, we all went for eats & came home in the car.

Wednesday, February 21, 1923

Went to the dance at Normal.